Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Springtime Vibes :: Ranunculus love!

Springtime is officially here and my heart couldn't be any happier--I just love seeing everything come alive and bloom! I recently had the opportunity to visit The Flower Fields in Carlsbad, where I was able to witness acres upon acres of ranunculus, which led to the inspiration for this post. I absolutely love ranunculus, not only are they pretty to look at but they also come in so many different hues--making them a perfect addition to wedding florals!

Here are a few images that I captured from my vibrant rainbow colored trip:

When it comes to your special day, buoquets play a large role as they appear in many of your keepsake images. Ranunculus add a nice touch to bouquets and here are some I'm currently swooning over:

Image via Lauren Conrad
Image via Confetti Daydreams
I love when ranunculus are used in centerpieces and you'll have no problem finding a shade that will complement your color scheme and/or add a pop of color to your arrangements. Below, are some examples of how you can play around with so many options ranunculus provide--

Image via Style Unveiled
Image via The Wedding Chicks
Image via Style Me Pretty
Image via Style Me Pretty
Ranunculus are so exquisite that they work great for personals...

Image via Style Me Pretty
Image via Borrowed and Blue

And on that note, I encourage you to go out and enjoy the colors of mother nature--Happy Springtime everyone! 

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