01 02 03 Just Wenderful Event Planning and Design: DIY Glitter Chevron Vases 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

DIY Glitter Chevron Vases

We've seen a couple do it yourself projects to spruce plain old vases up so we decided to glitter up some of our own for a shower this past weekend!  It's super easy to glitter the bottom half but a little more time consuming to tape off a chevron design.  Either way, both are easy and only take a small number of materials.

What you need:

Because the glitter is still a bit lose, we used a glue spray enamel from Home Depot to seal it up so the glitter won't come off as easily.  Ta-da!  Here's the end result!

We ended up trying it on everything and it really dresses up the vases.  We arranged these pink and white florals with the gold and we loved how it turned out!  We loved how it turned out and would definitely do it again!

Happy Tuesday!

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